Change Log

This page contains an overview of all changes made to the rights statements published by The list below is in reverse chronological order (newest on top) and lists version changes, additions of new rights statements, translations of rights statements and minor changes (such as corrections of errors). change log


Added Dutch translation of version 1.0 of the rights statements, and the home page.


Minor changse to the white paper “Requirements for the Technical Infrastructure for Standardized International Rights Statements”.


Added Lithuanian translation of version 1.0 of the rights statements, and the home page.


Added Hindi translation of version 1.0 of the rights statements, and the home page.


Added Estonian translation of version 1.0 the rights statements, and the home page. See the translation document for a documentation of the translation process.


Added German translation of version 1.0 the rights statements, and the home page. See the translation document for a documentation of the translation process.


Minor changes to the 1.0 version of the rights statements as detailed in the Recommendations for minor changes to the 1.0 version of the rights statements (May 2018). These changes have been reflected in an updated version of the Recommendations for Standardized International Rights Statements white paper.


Minor changes to the 1.0 version of the rights statements as detailed in the Recommendations for minor changes to the 1.0 version of the rights statements. These changes have been reflected in an updated version of the Recommendations for Standardized International Rights Statements white paper.


Release of the Translation Policy and Editoral Policy for


Release of the latest revision of the white paper “Requirements for the Technical Infrastructure for Standardized International Rights Statements”.


Addition of the Copyright Undetermined statement. See the proposal for implementation of a new rights statement for more information.


Initial launch of version 1.0 of the 11 rights statements as described in the white paper “Recommendations for Standardized International Rights Statements.”